I live and work in San Marino,
a small republic inside of Italy. During my free time you can find me on mountain bike trails or doing a lot of woodworking in my personal lab.
Nice to meet you.
I'm a designer that loves outdoor life, always looking
for new perspectives to
craft unexpected stories.
I built a mobile studio to work inspired by nature and choose beautiful locations every day.
I also have a filming studio. Thanks to a solid team of collaborators, I can provide clever and competitive solutions to every project,
from small to large video productions.

I live and work in San Marino,
a small republic inside of Italy. During my free time you can find me on mountain bike trails or doing a lot of woodworking in
my personal lab.
Nice to meet you. I'm a designer
that loves the outdoor life, always
looking for new perspectives to craft unexpected stories. I built a mobile studio to work inspired by nature and choose beautiful locations every day.
I also have a filming studio.
Thanks to a solid team of collaborators, I can provide
clever and competitive solutions
to every project, from small to
large video productions.

Master's in Motion Graphic Design,
UNIRSM, 2016.
Bachelor’s in Industrial Design,
UNIRSM, 2012.
Art direction, animation, illustration,
graphic design, filmmaking, visual effects,
photography, set design, handcrafting,
stop motion.
Master’s in
Motion Graphic Design,
UNIRSM, 2016.
Bachelor’s in
Industrial Design,
UNIRSM, 2012.
Art direction, animation, illustration, graphic design, filmmaking, visual effects, photography, set design, handcrafting, stop motion.